Why do I need Estes Park Service Company to watch my home while I am away?

When you are away from your house whether it is YOUR vacation home or primary home, being away a few weeks, a month or a year can create a homeowner to much unneeded stress and worries.

Knowing that your property is one of your biggest investments,

You may want to protect that investment from any problems, while your away.

You may ask Yourself...

Why can’t I rely on my friends, relatives or a neighbor while I am away?

Then you think….

  • What if my home is broken into or trespassed, do I want to leave my family or neighbor at risk?
  • Are they trained on what to check my home for?
  • Can I hold my friend or relative accountable if something goes wrong? If so, Is it worth damaging our relationship?
  • What if they cause damage, are they insured?

With the technology of camera’s why do we need a home check?

Can a Camera Spot….

  • Mold, pest infestation, unlocked doors or windows, water leaks, Broken windows, Branches or trees that have fallen, or other damages to your home?
  • Can a camera prevent sewer gas from escaping by running your water and flushing your toilets?
  • Can a camera check your temperatures in rooms to keep your pipes from freezing?
  • Check your refrigerator and freezer temperatures?
  • Can a camera smell gas or alert you of a gas smell in your home?
  • Control your heat for your or a guest arrival?

It is critical to choose someone trained, trustworthy, confidential, professional and insured to care for your property.

“Don’t Leave Your Home Alone, Call Us.”
Estes Pak Service Company
TRUSTED ~ Reliable ~ Responsible ~ Insured